How to compile Csound on Debian GNU/Linux
If you're using Debian, just grab the csound package. If you're using another distribution the following information may be helpful, so I'm leaving it up.
How to compile Csound on Debian GNU/Linux
This version includes both fltk and tcl/tk instead of turning off tcl/tk. The changes made are more minimal than before, but it still compiles with gcc-3.2 (older gcc's should work also)
- Download Csound423a.tgz from
- mkdir Csound
- cd Csound
- tar xzf ../Csound423a.tgz
- Download my patch
- patch -p1 < csound.patch-4.23a
- You may need to apt-get libfltk1.1-dev, tcl8.4-dev, and tk8.4-dev.
- make
- ./csound (you should see a help screen)
- make install (as root)
Let me know if you have any trouble.
hans at
$Id: csound.html,v 1.5 2003/10/29 15:32:19 fugalh Exp $