in_ducli_jubilo - Bach's fugal treatment of the tune, BWV 608. I rendered this piece primarily as an excercise in recording with Rosegarden and playing with DSSI synths therein. I used Hexter, the DX7 emulator DSSI plugin, for the sounds, sprinkled in a few LADSPA effects for spice, and mixed it down with the help of JACK Timemachine and Audacity. Remember, it's supposed to sound like it came from a DX7 ;-)
fuguecm - Bach's Fugue in C minor, rendered with Csound.
randblues - Wrote a script to generate a random walking 'melody' that would fit a blues progression. The rest was done mostly in DP on a mac, so perhaps doesn't precisely qualify as linux music.
shadow_flame - Inspired by the opening sequence of The Two Towers (and of course the passage in the book). The vocals are by festival. The music and mixing was done in an extreme hurry (class deadline, I had lost my work), made possible thanks to TerminatorX and Audacity.
time_flies - Musique concrete, again done in DP. The sounds are my watch on a desk.
nmidi - network midi client akin to aseqnet (but performs better). It was intended as a partial mwpp implementation and perhaps will be someday, but as it stands it isn't very faithful to mwpp. :-)
BWV 893 is Prelude #24 from the Well-Tempered Clavier Book II by JS Bach. It is the demonstration of a simple polyphonic wavetable synthesis project on a Motorola 56302 EVM, written in assembly, for EE592 at NMSU. I took the MIDI file and generated MIDI-like events in assembly data format with a simple midilib ruby script. When loaded my synth plays through the events very similar to how any MIDI sequencer would.
All music copyright © 2002-2006 Hans Fugal
These works are licensed under a Creative Commons License.