Updated to work with Mavericks. Now uses OSX Notifications instead of Growl. Old version is available here.
Crème Rappel is now hosted on GitHub. Fork away! http://github.com/fugalh/creme
A few refinements, and a self-contained application bundle for your Dock and Quicksilver pleasure. See the README.
Some bugfixes for your enjoyment. Bon appetit…
Here we go again. I've been tweaking the timespec some more. Now we have zulu (UTC) time. Minutes are the default unit. You can say "9am tuesday". Now the pseudo-BNF is in README.timespec. Also a few bugfixes since 2.1, and a gem.
There's an RSS Feed for this page now, so take a deep breath and take the mouse off of the refresh button. C'est bon…
Crème Rappel has graduated from a simple shell script using at(1), to a Ruby application completely independent of at(1). This greatly simplifies installation, and makes
feature creep new features a practical possibility.
In fact, the new features are already rolling in. Time specifications are still at-compatible, but you can shorten everything to the most unambiguous. For example, + 5 minutes becomes +5m. Also supported are YYYY-MM-DD dates and seconds. Here's the pseudo-BNF:
timespec = [now] + count units | time [date] units = seconds | minutes | hours | days | weeks | months | years time = [H]HMM[.SS] [am|pm] | [H]H:MM[.SS] [am|pm] | midnight | noon | teatime date = month-name day | DD.MM.[YY]YY | MM/DD/[YY]YY | MMDD[YY]YY | [YY]YY-MM-DD | today | tomorrow
Crème Rappel joined our little internet family on this day. Read the original blog post.