Vim Presentation Notes (c) 2002 Hans Fugal Programming ----------- Syntax highlighting auto indent. p70, :he indent.txt = Locating stuff [ ] search word in #includes gd gD search for variable definitions ] [ search for macro definitions [d ]d [D ]D show/list macro definitions % jump to matching brace/bracket/paren >i{ ] g go to tags :tags tag stack Filters ! from visual mode, pass through external filter. e.g. boxes, indent, sort :make :cc :cn :cp :clist :clist! :cnf :grep Folding ------- :help fold.txt Tabs ---- 3 ways: combination, set tabstop, all spaces shiftwidth tabstop softtabstop smarttab retab expandtab Filetypes --------- :setf , :set filetype ~/.vim/ftplugin/*.vim sourced for files of that filetype. e.g. # my ~/.vim/ftplugin/scheme.vim set showmatch set lisp set ai set sw=2 set smarttab set noexpandtab